And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. Colossians 1:18 KJV
Preeminence … In Nascar terms: 1st Place. In State Fair terms: Blue Ribbon. In Military terms: 4 Star General. In NCAA Football terms: #1. In NFL terms: Super Bowl Champs. In MLB terms: World Series Champs. In Concert Band terms: 1st Chair. In Government terms: President. In Royalty terms: King or Queen. In fact, “Your Eminence” is one of many ways to address Royalty. Jesus in PRE-Eminent! He is before any of earth’s Kings and Queens that have ever reigned or ever will reign!
For Jesus, Passion Week began with a celebration as Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey with the crowd crying “Hosanna” to the king! Passion Week ended on what we call Good Friday with His crucifixion and Roman Soldiers mocked Him by placing a sign on His cross that read, “Jesus King of the Jews”. Culture still mocks Him today but Jesus still DESIRES to be preeminent in your life! Jesus DEMANDS to be preeminent in your life! And Jesus DESERVES to be preeminent in your life! In Colossians 1, Paul presents his case of why Christ deserves PREEMINENCE in your life.
He is Preeminent in CREATION!
In Verse 16, He is the CREATOR: “All things were created by Him”. He is the OWNER: “And for Him”. In Verse 17, He is the SUSTAINER: “and in him all things hold together”.
He is Preeminent in SALVATION.
In verse 15, He is the REVEALER: “the image of the invisible God”. Mankind did not see God’s sovereignty in creation. Nor did they see His holiness in giving the Law. The prophets proclaimed a Messiah would come but man failed to acknowledge Him. BUT in the fullness of time God sent His Son who is the image of God’s love for mankind. In verse 14, He is the REDEEMER: “in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins”. He paid the sin debt for my mankind. The cross is God’s redemption center for all people! In verse 13, He is the RESCUER: “For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of His dear Son”. He delivered us all from the power of sin and satan. In verse 20: He is the RECONCILER: “and through him to reconcile to himself all things”. He brought Holy God and sinful man back together. Now we can come into the presence of God holy, unblameable and unreproveable in His sight. Hallelujah, He deserves to be preeminent in our heart.
Coup d’état: The sudden overthrow of a government. A coup needs to take place in the government that controls our hearts! We need to dethrone self and enthrone Christ as Preeminent, first place, number one in our lives.
Idolatry: Anything or anyone that you put before God. People, Possessions, Pursuits and Pleasures. Unbelievers ignore Jesus and seek for these things to satisfy their empty hearts while believers, seek Jesus at an empty tomb! He has Risen! And we sing:
All Hail King Jesus
All Hail Emmanuel
King of Kings, Lord of Lords
Bright Morning Star
And throughout Eternity
I’ll Sing Your Praises
And I’ll Reign with Him
Throughout Eternity
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